Donald Trumps Thank's His Astrologer Beau Attride

Donald Trumps Thank's His Astrologer Beau Attride


Donald Trump

When we consider the Astrology chart of an individual, there are so many factors to consider, (planets, signs, houses, aspects and aspect patterns), that it can seem quite overwhelming as to how to proceed. I have found it most useful to start from an overview of the entire chart and then proceed to slowly discern the various interlaced energy-forms that the chart contains.

First, we should step back and take the whole chart in. After all, an astrological chart is a Sky Map, a picture of the planetary positions, as seen from a specific place on the Earth, on a certain day and time. We are looking at the heavens above, so let’s step back and take it all in to discern the overall message of the chart. What we will find is that astrological charts fall into certain types of patterns, which provides this first sense of meaning for the chart.

The pattern of Donald Trump’s chart is called a Bowl or Hemispheric pattern, with all planets lined up on one side of the chart, and the other half remaining open or empty. This bowl pattern implies a great degree of self-containment. Here is a soul that is moved or affected more by external circumstances than by internal factors. He has a strong sense of mission, a sense that he possesses something (the filled bowl), and that he lacks or needs something, (the empty space). He will be driven, purposeful and feel he has a destiny to fulfill.

The critical or high focus part of the Bowl pattern is formed by the leading planet or edge of the bowl. In Trump’s chart, the leading planet is Uranus in his 10th house of career, public life and purpose. Uranus is the “Awakener”, and brings about change through shocks and upsets. Not only is it his leading planet, but it is also the uppermost planet in his chart, and, most significantly, it is next to his Sun and opposite to his Moon. A very, very great deal about Trump is summed up by this combination of factors: Sun in Gemini, Moon in Sagittarius, with Uranus conjunct the Sun and Opposite to the Moon.

Gemini is an Air Sign, known for its intelligence, curiosity, adaptability and restlessness. Gemini rules the mind in its capacity to consider things from more than one point of view or perspective, to perceive the world through multiple “lenses”, to assume multiple positions in order to consider which view or views seems most meaningful, revealing or exceptional. When applied in right ways, Gemini is our faculty of Intelligence.

Geminis love to “stir things up”. They can hold one position and then swing to the opposite position without skipping a beat. Geminis are often “high-strung, nervous types” with a constant need to take in and push out information. Their avidity and thirst for information, and their insistent need to share these multiple thoughts can push the envelope of reason to that razor’s edge that lies between genius and insanity. Keeping up with, and following the stream of consciousness of some Geminis can be fascinating, but sometimes frustrating and fruitless.

Being born at the Full Moon, Trump has his Moon in the opposite Sign of Sagittarius. The Moon rules the emotional life, the emotional needs, the ingrained and unconscious habit patterns of reactions/interactions, and will reveal how a person will act or react without thinking. (And though we humans like to think of ourselves as mindful and intelligent, we live a great deal of our lives on “autopilot”, something happens and we will often react without much thought at all).

The Moon in Sagittarius is very free-wheeling, open and outspoken, so that it leads to a person who will feel and more info speak with little or no restraint. There is basically no filter at all, whatever is in their feeling-thinking in the moment is what you are going to get.

The opposition of the Sun and Moon, (the two principle indicators of our Male and Female natures), will create a critical conflict and imbalance between the Thoughts and Feelings for Trump. The result will be a pulling and pushing within himself, often leading to wider (and wilder) swings between cold intellect and emotionality. If the spiritual-psychological work of here accepting and integrating his male/female halves is not achieved, he will be subject to extreme restlessness, impulsiveness and impatience.

This combination of Gemini and Sagittarius could be harnessed and balanced if other factors in his chart were to bring in some restraint and grounding. There are some factors in his chart that could help. However, the principle planet affecting both his Sun and Moon is the planet that rules the “earthquakes of life”, Uranus.

The conjunction of the Sun with Uranus means that Trump will stand out, and click here never blend in. His life will be unusual, full of exceptional moments that break through boundaries. Born to rebel, he would have been independent and defiant as a child, and he would have developed a view of himself as not subject to normal rules or expectations. He can exhibit brilliance and flashes of great insight, but he will at times be equally unable to restrain himself from distractions and erratic behaviors.

Again, even this challenging set of factors could have been combined with stabilizing elements to modulate and mitigate his nature. But in Trump’s chart the energies of instability (and chaos) are doubled-down by Uranus also being in opposition to his Moon. Trump will look upon feelings (and women) with great distrust because they are for him so unpredictable and unknowable. By being dismissive of and not in touch with his feeling nature, he will swing wildly between his peripatetic intellect and chaotic emotions. His thoughts will lack true empathy and compassion; his emotions uninformed by his reason. He will be capable of brilliance yet lack empathy, he will be sentimental but not caring. Trump may remain divided within himself; he would be unsettled and unstable.

Many more info commentators have assumed that Trump’s way of acting (and reacting) is purely an act, and that he employs the “principles of chaos” as a master manipulator to upend his adversaries and achieve his ends. What his chart reveals is that this is no act. Trump is unstable by nature. He is simply unpredictable because he probably cannot control himself.

The planetary ruler for Gemini is Mercury, which for Trump is in the sign of Cancer. Though he will consider himself to be a man of reason, possessing a great range of ideas and knowledge, and that he comes to his facts and opinions via his superior intellect, much of his thinking and decision-making is unconsciously influenced by his emotions. He will believe that he is being “reasonable”, when he in fact he is often being blinded by his emotional biases.

But much more troubling is that he also has his Mercury squaring his Neptune, the planet of Dreams and Imagination. Neptune is also, when misapplied or misunderstood, the planet that rules Fantasies, Delusions and Deceptions. Mercury squaring Neptune, if you can master yourself, can be wonderful and make you a great story-teller, it is gift for painters and poets, allowing one to slip beyond the boundaries of reality for inspiration.

But when combined with the inherent instability of his chart, Mercury square Neptune means that Trump will say anything, and mean nothing. He will make something up, and turn around and say the opposite…and probably turn around again and say some third thing. He will employ “smoke and mirrors”; he will claim to speak plainly, and accuse others of being untruthful. He will sow doubt and confusion, he will often promise and not deliver. He is probably not to be believed or trusted much of the time.

One of the more challenging aspects a person may have in their chart is a hard contact between Venus and Saturn. Trump has his Saturn conjunct Venus, which means he experienced conditional forms of love as a child. Rather than being loved truly, he was exposed to “love” trump donald president that was given or withheld as a tool for reward or punishment. This is not love, this is the abusive power wielded by an authoritarian parent, most likely the father.

Without significant help to heal this wound, Trump would have no true experience of healthy “self-love”, nor would he be capable of truly loving another. He would need others to love and admire him to fill the aching hole in his soul. But he would be unable to show real love to another, for he has none to offer. He would be ungenerous, uncharitable and treat others as “objects”, as he can be the only "subject" in any relationship.

This aspect in a chart may indicate and form the conditions for developing “narcissistic personality disorder”. It has been noted, that many of the actions and over-reactions that Trump has displayed in his public life seem to conform to the classic behaviors associated with narcissistic personality disorder.

In short, these delineations from Trump’s chart point to an individual who appears fundamentally unstable, often untruthful, and with a heart that is broken.

Next, The Transits in Trump’s chart,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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